b'Students at cole Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys got to spend time in front of and behindthe camera through the Artist in Residence program. The class welcomed filmmakerand owner of Upriver Media, Matt Kennedy, to help them produce ashort video and learn more about filmmaking.Early Years Arts Festival a hit with FamiliesThe Kenora Catholic Early Years ArtsFestival was once again a big success with approximately 150 parents and childrenexploring the arts together at Pope JohnPaul II School. The event was geared towards families with young children and is anopportunity for them to try a variety ofdifferent art mediums from music topainting to dance and more. Watch the Video: Students in the Grade 8 French Immersion class from St. Thomas Aquinas High School will be getting a taste of film making bycreating and then submitting short filmsinto the Festival de Videastes du Manitoba.2019 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT 15'