b'directors message 2019 chairs message 2019I am very excited to present2019 marked a year of new my first Directors Report forbeginnings for us at Kenora the Kenora Catholic DistrictCatholic. We welcomed our School Board. 2019 markednew Director of Education,the final year of our veryDr. Derek Haime, to our Kenora successful 2014-2019 Multi-YearCatholic family in February. Strategic Plan (MYSP) entitled,Derek has been a gift to work Our Journey, Our Faith, Ourwith, providing a seamless Joy. It has been a beacon fortransition in leadership, and our schools, providing clearhes inspired us all with his direction and a solid structurededication and devotionfor all of our students, staffto a faith-filled Catholicand families. education. His commitmentEarly in the fall, Dr. Terryto our students, through Nelson-Johnson provided allChristian meditation, kindness Kenora Catholic staff withand empathy, brings out the a common message aboutbest in them as hes creating Derek Haime | Director of Education Chasing Joy!, which positionsa family culture at KenoraTeresa Gallik | Chairus well for a smooth transitionCatholic where our students between our previous MYSPknow they are loved.and our new 2020 - 2025 MYSP. We will continue to journey inAfter 16 years as a trustee at Kenora Catholic, 2019 wasfaith and joy as we focus on Growing, Investing and Engaging. my first year as the Chair of the Board. I want to offer my As determined by the extensive feedback we receivedsincerest gratitude to my fellow trustees for their confidence, through various means including a robust online Thoughtsupport, direction and guidance in my first year. It was Exchange Process, face-to-face community forums in truly appreciated, and I am proud of our Board of Trustees. Kenora, Red Lake, First Nation and Mtis communities and I believe we can accomplish anything because we are a overwhelming student feedback, and classroom sessionsfantastic team. Our student Trustees Clareynze Ceria, who with our students, our MYSP master themes consist ofis in her second year of being a trustee and Julia Tkachuk, Growing, Investing and Engaging. I am particularly proudwho is in her first year, are a gift to the Board of Trustees. that 59 percent of responses were from our students, Together these two are an amazing combination, and it has which is an unprecedented level of student involvement.been a pleasure to work with them throughout the 2019 school year.The definitions for our new MYSP are rooted in SacredWe are also embarking on a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan Scripture: The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Luke 13:19) that begins in January 2020. It was amazing to participate for Growing, A Foundation on Rock (Luke 6:48) for in the overall process as a board member on the Steering Investing and Encouraging and Building Each Other Committee. Throughout our consultation process, at our Up (1 Thessalonians 5:11) for Engaging. visioning dinners, classroom visits and the online process, The 2020 Catholic Education Week Theme is Ignitingwe were able to collect valuable information from our staff, Hope. We will continue to discover, appreciate and nurturestudents, families and communities to set our next course our hope in Christ, the hope within us, the hope among us,of direction and create relationships and connections along our hope for the world and for our future. Throughout thisthe way. I am excited about the new plan, and I am eager for report, you will see many examples of this and much moreus to begin working on Growing, Investing and Engaging at to come as we grow, invest and engage together. We are Kenora Catholic. These pillars of excellence will support our so proud of our amazing students, dedicated staff and board in growing in all areas, and Im genuinely excited for supportive families. We continue to work together to the next five years, guided by our new Multi-Year Strategic better understand the incredible gifts of Gods Love, Plan. Grace and Mercy.As this is my first Directors Report as the Chair of the Board, Included throughout this report are short stories that wereI would like to share that it brings me great joy to reflect captured throughout the 2019 school year. I encourageon the past year, reading all of our stories and seeing the you to explore the online report as it has links embeddedpictures of all the things weve accomplished in academics, throughout the report to a more in-depth story. arts and athletics. I am especially proud of the social justice Thank you to our students, staff, clergy, trustees, familieswork our schools do to support our communities.and entire community for all you are and all you have doneI would like to thank our teachers, education workers, staff, and continue to do. It takes all of us to strive for excellence families and school councils for a wonderful school year. in education, the Christian formation of youth and meaningfulIt was filled with many opportunities that ignited hope. partnerships as our mission directs. Please enjoy and With all of us working together in Growing, Investing and appreciate a representation of the many successes of Engaging, I look forward to 2020 with a renewed sense of our students and staff from 2019, which reflects our excitement and I am proud to be part of the Kenora Catholic mission and brings our vision to life. God bless us all! family.2 2019 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'