b'Kenora Catholic Schools incorporated a commitment to respecting water into theirThanksgiving prayer services. The commitment has been made in solidarity withTreaty #3, with respect to their sacred Nibi Declaration.Kenora Catholics Mental Health Team is happyThe Kenora Catholic Districtto provide the Kids in the Know Program to School Boards participation in thestudents across the board. Kids in the know is Rotary Club of Kenoras program,a K to Grade 10 program and is available to Nutrition on Weekends (NOW),any classroom within the KCDSB. The programhelps support familiesaims to reduce the risk of child sexual experiencing foodabuse and child exploitation. scarcity. The Nourishment Program The goal is for allat Pope John Paul II Schoolchildren to reach their was the recipient of a $9,500potential and eliminate grant courtesy of the Lake barriers so that only of the Woods RegionalCommunity Foundation. success remains.2020 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT 13'