b'The third Friday of every month students atHope is Plentiful at Kenora Catholic. Catholics andcole Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys break offChristians sometimes think of Holy Thursday,into groups for Club Day.Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter (PaschalClub Days began when staff were asked,Mystery Moments) as remembering events thatwhat is something that you are passionate about?. Jesus went through. We sometimes forget that asThe intention was that staff could bring activities individuals and communities, we too move throughto the school that they were passionate about, the energy of those days. We are not spectators towith the goal of students eventually leading clubs the race that Jesus ran, to the life that Jesus lived,based on their interests. Ultimately students were but participants. We are participants intimatelyable to choose from a list of over 20 clubs.involved in the Paschal Mystery of life.Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson zoomed into KenoraStudents at St. John Catholic from Chicago to provoke us to see howSchool had a blastwe live those four days through the many momentsparticipating in their of our lives. He began exploring the concept offirst Try like Terry being fedwe gather at the table of life, the Challenge in support table of Holy Thursday, and we are fed by the of the Terry Foxcaring words and actions of others and the Foundation.caring words and actions we offer others.Students at Pope John Paul II School took part in National Skilled Trades and Technology Week. They learned aboutdifferent skilled trades, andafter learning about all the skilled tradespeople it takes to build a house, they attempted to make their own!Students from Pope John Paul IIKindergarten students at cole School and St. Thomas AquinasSte-Marguerite Bourgeoys have High School enjoyed trying theirbeen working hard at making hand at trapping on a traditionalChristmas cards for members of trap line on Wauzhushk Onigumthe community. Cards were sent Nation. The trap line experienceto residents of local long term was part of a push for morecare homes, those in need, and experiential learning that aimsto staff at the Kenora Catholic to see students get more timeDistrict School Board. learning outside the classroom.2020 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT 15'