b'St. Thomas Aquinas High School honours Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.It takes courage for any woman to leave anabusive relationship, and that was the strength that was channeled on the steps of St. Thomas Aquinas High School, as a student performed The Kenora Catholic District School Board is a traditional drum song in honour of working towards a more equitable and inclusive International Day for the Elimination of community for all students, where every studentViolence Against Women. has what they need to be successful. A handful of students from St. Thomas Aquinas High School had the honour learning aboutharvesting wild rice as part of Science Norths Kenora Science Festival. As part of the engagingexperiential learning opportunity, the rice was cooked over an open fire and then studentshad the opportunity to dance on the rice to separate the grain from the husk.12 2021 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'