b'directors message 2021 chairs message 2021As Director of Education I am incredibly pleased to for the Kenora Catholicbe able to present the 2021 District School Board, it isreport. As a Board of Trustees, my pleasure and privilege towe are joyful that our students present the 2021 Directorswere able to return to in-person Annual Report. Our Boardlearning, where they can benefit has much to be proud of,from close relationships with and I am honoured to peers, and our passionate be a part of it. This year educators who createsaw a continuation of welcoming environmentsour COVID-19 protocols. in which students can thrive. We needed to pivot to We are slowly getting backremote learning for part to our new normal. I haveof the school year and thenbeen inspired by our strong returned to a modifiedleadership team led by our school environment. Despite Paul White | Director of Education all of this, our students areDirector Paul White, as theTeresa Gallik | Chairadjusting incredibly well,team continues to navigate with many thriving by beingus through these tough and back at school with their peers and educators, and I attributeunscripted times.their success to the incredible team at Kenora Catholic.I want to offer my sincerest gratitude to my fellow Trustees This report is dedicated to our students, staff, families,for their continued support, trust and guidance. I amtrustees and community members for their hard work andproud to be a part of the most excellent Board of Trustees.dedication during this school year. This year we added a third Student Trustee. Joining Maxwell We are proud of our schools and our students from Froese, is incoming junior Student Trustee Elizabeth Favreau Kenora, Keewatin, First Nations communities, Red Lake, and and Antonie-Marie Skead, our very first Indigenous Student surrounding areas. This report provides a glimpse into theTrustee. We knew it was essential to add a stronger student successes for the 2021 school year, progress and continuedvoice that was more representative of our diverse student work on the pillars of our Multi-Year Strategic Plan. body. Ongoing recognition of the truth and reconciliation This report is structured under our guiding pillars: commission and the relevance of Indigenous culture and Growing - It grew and became a tree. (Lukespirituality will continue to guide us and move us forward 13:19) We continually grow student potential byon the journey towards reconciliation.living our Catholic Faith. Several features in thisI would like to thank our incredible teachers, educators, report highlight the many innovative programssupport staff, families, and Catholic School Councils for our staff and students design and implement.making this slightly less than normal school year the bestThis report illustrates how our students have found success,it could possibly be. The Ministry of Educations focus onaroused their curiosity, and engaged their originality asinclusion and equity resonates throughout our system as they continually move closer to realizing and even redefiningwe desire to serve all of Gods children with kindness and their incredible potential. love, in schools where everyone feels valued and welcome.Investing - Build a house, dig deeply and lay I would like to share with you our Catholic Education theme the foundation on rock. (Luke 6:48) We nurturefor 2022: Rebuild, Restore, Renew Together. The challenges a shared belief in the importance of ongoingto personal and spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty learning for all. You will see in the pictures andand physical isolation of the current global crisis are more explanations in this report how the importancefitting than Mental Health Week and Catholic Education of servant leadership, building a culture of trust, developingWeek share the same week, we know that there will be much leadership strengths, and promoting stewardship is and con- need and work to be done in 2022 to Rebuild, Restore and tinues to be highlighted. Renew Together in 2022.Engaging - Therefore encourage one anotherGod bless, Teresa Gallik | Chairand build up each other as indeed you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) In this report, you will see and read about multiple opportunities our students have had and continue to have to name and claim their strengths and their paths and foster partnerships that extend beyond the walls of our schools.Thank you to the students, staff, priests, trustees, andcommunity members for all that you do to work with usto provide an excellent Catholic education to all ourstudents. Please enjoy the report.Yours in Catholic education, Paul White | Director of Education 2 2021 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'