b'celebrating trusteesour catholicCatholic School Board Trustees play an important role in the governance of our board. Their focus is to ensure all students at the Kenora Catholic District School Board receive an exceptional Catholic education and have the support they need to reach their full spiritual and academic potential.The October 18 board meeting markedthe final board meeting for the currentBoard of Trustees, who completed theirterm of office on November 14, 2022.Outgoing Trustees received a specialpresentation recognizing their contributions to Catholic education and years of serviceas Kenora Catholic District School Board Trustees. The outgoing Trustees represent over 62 years of combined servicein their roles.new teamgrowing ourThe incoming Board of Student Trustees At the inaugural boardTrustees spent a day together at aElizabeth Favreau, meeting on November 15,Retreat and Onboarding session.Zhaawan Kavanaugh Trustees were officially swornAt the Retreat, Trustees learnedand Joshua Pitt in as members of the Kenoraabout the Kenora Catholic Districtreceived their Rite of Catholic District School Board.School Board, its family Commissioning. As part of the meeting, theof schools, unique identity and KCDSB held elections for theculture, budget and finance, positions of chair and vice chairstudent success and their of the Board and appointedimportant governance role. representatives on the Statutory Committees of the Board.12 2022 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'