b'engagingThe Kenora Catholic District School Board is very excited to share that we have launched an App! The new KCDSB App is a tool for parents, guardians, students, and staff to help keep track of what is going on in their school. With this app users can choose which school(s) theyd like to follow, therefore tailoring which activities and events will show up on the apps calendar. Users will even be able to add events to their own calendar all through the app. Take a look at how youcan start using the app today and take your school wherever you are!Students and families bundled up and embraced the adventurous spirit of voyageurs at Kenora Catholics Festival du Voyageur celebration at cole Ste-Marguerite Bourgeoys in February.Over 300 people explored French-Canadian and Mtis culture while dancing and jigging to lively music, playing games, admiring snow sculptures, and enjoying hot chocolate and sweet treats.16 2022 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'