b'Kenora Catholic was excited to throw open our doors andwelcome families back into our schools, following the pandemic. Through a variety of events in our #KCDSBFamilySeries,families can connect through a series of activities that willbe hosted throughout the school year to celebratebeing together as a community. The first event of the new #KCDSBFamily Series was a hit.The Back-to-school Backpack Blessingsaw families enjoya pizza dinner, play games, and take partin a backpack blessing before the first dayof school. Next up was the Science Night. The workshops had three options for families includingEww That Science is Gross, Good Clean Fun and Science Meets Art. The event is a partnership with Scientists in Schools, a national science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)education charity that annually works withmore than 700,000 children and youth inCanada to be confident in STEM, build critical thinking skills, heighten their interest in STEMcareers, and dream of a future they perhapsnever thought possible.Meanwhile at St. Thomas Aquinas High School, families got to build a small woodworkingproject at the Multi-Skills TrainingCentre of Excellence. Just in time for Christmas was the Advent WreathMerry-Making Event. Families worked together to maketheir own wreath as the perfect way to prepare for the Christmas season. They also had warm soup and bunsand enjoyed dinner together as a community. Have we mentioned how much weLOVE being back together?2022 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT 17'