b'We live our Catholic faith by growing student potential.Optimized Learning: Developing School Culture:We seek innovative programs, and We build inclusive, collaborativeexperiences to encourage each person relationships and commit to a commonto reach their full potential. We createset of values as a faith community.learning opportunities that allow studentsWe recognize the need to improvemental to find success, arouse their curiosity, health, cultivating a continuous focus on and encourage their originality. healthy minds, bodies and spirits.We live our Catholic faith by investing in our future.Building Capacity Cultivating Leadership:from Within: We recognize and cultivate theWe nurture a shared roles of servant leadership, including: belief in the importance building a culture of trust, developingof ongoing learning the leadership strengths of all andfor all. promoting self, environmental andcommunity stewardship.We live our Catholic faith by engagingour students and communities.Encouraging Student FosteringEngagement: Community:We encourage students to name We foster partnerships that extendand claim their strengths and beyond the walls of ourtheir paths. schools.Strategic Plan2020 - 20254 2022 ANNUAL DIRECTORS REPORT'